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Thank You for Your Support. See You in HONG KONG 2017!

A Two-in-One Conference

Innovation . Education . Research

Following the success of The Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference held in 2014, The 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference will be hosted and organized by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 16-18 May 2016 in Hong Kong. It will be held concurrently with the 15th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism (APF). This two-in-one conference will serve as an important networking platform for education, students and industry practitioners to exchange insights related to innovations, trends, opportunities and challenges of global tourism and hospitality.

Important Dates

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Featured Speakers

Featured speakers are listed according to alphabetical order of surname.

Prof. Billy Bai

Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis

Prof. Kaye Chon

Mr. Tony Chow

Prof. Geoffrey Crouch

Prof. Daniel Fesenmaier

Prof. Fabien Fresnel

Prof. Guillermo Graglia

Prof. Cathy Hsu

Ms. Mady Keup

Prof. Brian King

Prof. Rob Law

Prof. Bob McKercher

Prof. Miguela Mena

Prof. Fevzi Okumus

Ms. Kathy Pugh

Prof. Hanqin Qiu

Prof. Dennis Reynolds

Prof. Chris Roberts

Prof. Chris Ryan

Prof. Haiyan Song

Prof. John Tribe

Mr. Duane Vinson

Prof. Peter Yuen

Mr. Anthony Zhang

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