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Conference Mobile Site and Mobile Application

This is a comprehensive guide to Hong Kong 2016 Conference Mobile Site and Mobile Application. It is highly suggested that you read this manual and learn to use them. The Conference Mobile Site and Mobile Application will aid you in scheduling your day(s) in our conference.


Hong Kong 2016 Mobile Site and Mobile Application are now available for all the participants.



Download Conference Mobile Site

For both Android and IOS users, please scan the below QR code or click to access the mobile site. 









Download Conference Mobile Application

For Android users, you may scan the below QR code or click to download

the Android Mobile Application.











You can login your account with the phone number in the registration form. If you have included the country code in the registration form, please also add the code before your phone number. (e.g. If you registered with the phone number (852) 1234 5678, you should put 85212345678 as your Login Mobile Number)




Once you login, you will reach the Conference interface. In the interface, you can choose the contents from Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 respectively.



In the Home page, you can find all six functions.


Programme information can be found by searching the programme name.



The details of each on-day programme including the topic, date, time, venue, speaker(s) and description can be viewed in Programme. To create your own schedule, please click “Add to My Schedule”.



Paper and poster abstracts of the whole conference can be assessed in Abstracts.



Please fill in the survey and express your opinions towards the conference. It will help to improve our future conferences.



You can find the floor plan of Basement 1 and 3/F of SHTM (venues for paper and poster sessions). The conference location, Hotel ICON, will be shown in “Conference Location”.



To thank you all who have contributed to our conference's success, we offer a token of thanks towards all of our official sponsors and supporters, as well as our speakers, moderators, review panel, programme chair and secretariat, and other special acknowledgement.



The overview of daily programme schedule in the conference, the timetable includes the date, time and topic of each session. If you want to create your own schedule, please go back and use the “Programme” Function.


My Schedule

Your personal schedule can be viewed in “My Schedule”. Please be reminded that NO seat is reserved. 


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